BLD stands for Bukas Loob sa Diyos which means “Open in Spirit to God” in Tagalog, the language of the Philippines, where BLD began. It is a network of Covenant Communities with district branches around the world. Our membership in BLD began with a Marriage Encounter weekend in 2005.
My Other Apostolate
“I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever… I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 89:2)
It would be an understatement to say that my husband and I were not newlyweds when we came to BLD. As a matter of fact, we are among the more mature members of our Marriage Encounter class. Our children are grown and we have five grandchildren. When birthday parties, First Communions, and other family celebrations conflicted with community events, we were happy to discover the “family-comes-first” rule.
The best part was when we learned that babysitting the grandkids is often referred to as “my other apostolate” or perhaps that should be spelled apos-tolate (because apos is Tagalog for grandchildren). According to the Second Vatican Council, the word apostolate means “every activity of the Mystical Body” which “aims to spread the kingdom of Christ over the whole world.” Of course, our job goes way beyond babysitting. In a world where most parents work and kids are involved in so many extra activities, family time is very limited. Kids need the loving attention of their grandparents. We’re the ones who have plenty of time to listen to them. Kids also need the prayers and wisdom and faith that they learn by watching and listening to their grandparents.
When I was a kid, I was always amazed to hear the stories told by returning missionaries who had endured primitive living conditions and every type of hardship in order to fulfill their mission “to spread the kingdom of Christ.” They learned the local language and customs. They brought education and medicine to remote areas. Even when faced with a hostile reception, they lovingly carried the light of Christ into every corner of the world.
Here we are, in the first half of the 21st century. We live in comfortable homes. Our kids are loving, hard-working, dedicated parents. Our grandchildren are well cared for and well educated. Still there is a great need for us to be modern missionaries, grandparents with an apostolic mission. We have to help our precious grandkids stand up to a hostile culture that constantly bombards them with immorality and materialism. And we have to learn a new language to do it. Terms like 5G, HDMI, Blu-ray, megapixels, and apps for almost every purpose were unknown to us just a few years ago, but now they’re everywhere.
Of course, I still have a lot to learn…my cell phone is out of date…and I don’t text very well. But the next time I am asked to spend time at “my other apostolate,” I will bring snacks, watch the kids play video games, and listen to what they have to say; but I will also be sure to kiss those precious faces, hold them close and bless them as only a grandparent can. Because, let’s face it, there’s just no app for that!
Blessed be the Lord forever. Amen and Amen. (Psalm 89:52)
BTW, I found that cookie recipe in my Mother’s large collection of recipe cards. I haven’t tried it, but obviously, she thought it was “very good.”
- Psalm 89:1-4
- “The Goodness of God” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y81yIo1_3o8&list=RDy81yIo1_3o8&index=1
- I found that cookie recipe in my Mother’s large collection of recipe cards. I haven’t tried it, but obviously, she thought it was “very good.”